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VCure Healthcare

The POLICE principle: Modified first aid-

Introduction- The Police Principle is a modified first aid method to treat acute forms of  musculoskeletal injuries. Traditionally, the first aid method was considered to be RICE- (Rest, Icing, Compression, Elevation.) and P.R.I.C.E (Protection, Rest, Icing, Compress, Elevate). It is…

The art of Pranayama-

What is Pranayama: Introduction- Pranayama is the science of breathing control, moreover it is an art consisting of a concious control of breathing. Prana means ‘life force’ and ayama is ‘the extension of life force’. it thus cleanses and purifies an individual and…

Diabetes and physical activity-

What is diabetes? A metabolic condition in which blood glucose levels are not regulated because of deficient insulin production or inability of the insulin produced to work efficiently, Refers to diabetes. Types of diabetes- Type 1 : Insulin Dependent Diabetes…