Category Physiotherapy

Neck pain? Read about cervical spondylosis-

Introduction- Cervical spondylosis represents progressive degenerative changes that affect all the components of the cervical spine Symptoms manifest as neck pain and stiffness and radicular symptoms may occur when there is compression of neural structures. Neck pain is the second…

Read about prostate cancer-

Introduction- Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men after skin cancer. It affects the prostate gland and is also the second leading cancer-related cause of death in men. Clinical Presentation Clinical signs are as follows- Urinary…

The POLICE principle: Modified first aid-

Introduction- The Police Principle is a modified first aid method to treat acute forms of  musculoskeletal injuries. Traditionally, the first aid method was considered to be RICE- (Rest, Icing, Compression, Elevation.) and P.R.I.C.E (Protection, Rest, Icing, Compress, Elevate). It is…