Category Physiotherapy

The art of Pranayama-

What is Pranayama: Introduction- Pranayama is the science of breathing control, moreover it is an art consisting of a concious control of breathing. Prana means ‘life force’ and ayama is ‘the extension of life force’. it thus cleanses and purifies an individual and…

The impact of Lymphedema after breast cancers-

Background- Lymphedema commonly occurs post breast cancer and is a potentially debilitating and often irreversible complication of cancer treatment. Risk of BCRL is related to axillary surgery, radiation therapy, obesity and presence of infections. Lymphatic Involvement The lymphatic systems serves…

Why train balance exercises?

What is balance? The ability to maintain their line of gravity within their base of support  (BOS), refers to as balance or also the ability to maintain equilibrium. balance exercise is one of the exercise which help reduce risk of falls, especially…