Here’s your food guide for Ramzan!


Many people fast during the month of Ramadan. Our body’s biological clock changes both physically and mentally with fasting hours. The body slows down our metabolism due to dehydration and hunger in order to use energy as efficiently as possible.

A lot of times, we do indulge in heavier and richer foods than we normally do. This may make us feel tired.

Fasting includes a period of almost 14 hours, hence when you are on an empty stomach, and eat greasy food, you might get a bloated, lethargic feeling.

Therefore, in order to avoid this, here are a few healthy eating tips which will ensure a balance in our eating regimen.

What to eat-

  1. Eating healthy meals is always essential. For iftar, ensure you eat plenty of tasty salads along with your meal. This ensures the energy and vitamin intake you need.
  2. In summer months, eating fruits like watermelon , muskmelon, eating cucumbers, is great for rehydration and is also filling.
  3. Avoid carbonated drinks. These will dehydrate you and they don’t have any valuable nutrition.
  4. For people who are dessert lovers, fresh fruit and ice-cream is a lighter alternative to chocolate and cake desserts.
  5. Prefer roasted and baked food as an alternative to fried.
  6. Ensure that your plate has a good intake of fruits.
  7. Don’t forget to add a bowl of curd to aid digestion.

The benefits of eating dates-

It is traditional to open the fast with dates. Did you know that dates are actually associated with numerous benefits?These include reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart disease, reducing risk of colon cancer, and relieving constipation. Dates are filling and keep you for long.

You can also consume dates in your suhoor meel, as they are a good source of slow energy release.

What foods to avoid?

  • Avoid caffeine during suhoor as it makes you urinate frequently, thus causing dehydration. Instead have water or milkier drinks.
  •  Avoid excess salt intake as too much sodium can lead to bloating.

A few Dos and DONTs to focus on-

  • Do not skip suhoor. Morning meal is essential to get you through the day.
  • Eat foods rich in protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.
  • Stay hydrated. Drink as much water as you can.
  • Do not eat everything at once.
  • Avoid excess snack consumption right before sleeping.
  • Opt for a light, healthy and filling suhoor.
  • Eat foods which make you feel full for longer hours such as Dried fruits like dates, walnuts and almonds.
  • Choose smaller portions of food and eat wisely.
  • Lower you exercise duration by about 25-30%
  • Eat maincourse 10 minutes later of your first food. Take breaks.
  • Lastly, stay healthy, stay nourished!

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