How to Stop Sweating from the Head?

Sweating is a natural process that helps keep your body cool and eliminates toxins, so you should not try to stop it completely. Excessive sweating from the head, on the other hand, can cause discomfort and embarrassment. If you have heavy head sweating, first try making some lifestyle changes to see if you can reduce the symptoms. If lifestyle changes do not help, seek medical advice from a doctor to determine whether there are any underlying medical causes or to receive prescription treatments that can help reduce your symptoms of head sweating. Most people can reduce or eliminate annoying excessive sweating with the right lifestyle changes and treatments.


Method 1: Making Lifestyle Changes 

Refrain from consuming alcohol or caffeine.

Beverages containing alcohol and caffeine cause hot flashes and sweating, especially if consumed in large quantities. Limit or eliminate your consumption of common caffeinated and alcoholic beverages such as coffee, wine, beer, and liquor to try to eliminate your head sweating.

Caffeine and alcohol raise your heart rate and dilate your blood vessels, causing excessive sweating. Sweating can also be caused by withdrawal symptoms if you are addicted to alcohol or caffeine.

Limit your intake of spicy foods.

Spicy foods make your body feel hotter, so it begins to sweat in an attempt to cool itself down. To try to stop excessive sweating from the head, limit your intake of spicy foods or avoid them entirely.
Hot peppers contain a chemical called capsaicin, which stimulates nerves in your body, making it feel hotter.

Avoid smoking. 

Smoking raises your body temperature and causes hot flashes, which cause you to sweat. To help limit head sweating, quit smoking if you currently smoke, and don’t start smoking if you don’t.
Nicotine causes sweaty episodes by releasing a chemical called acetylcholine.

Maintain the temperature of your indoor spaces.

Reduce the temperature on your thermostat or use a fan to help you cool off and reduce sweating. This will help lower your body’s core temperature, causing it to sweat less in an attempt to cool down.
If you frequently sweat your head at work and don’t have control over the temperature, invest in a small personal fan for your desk or another workspace.

If you feel like you’re about to have a hot flash and start sweating, drink a cold glass of water or another healthy beverage to bring your internal temperature down.

Wear loose-fitting clothes.

Don’t wear clothing that is too tight, especially if it is made of a synthetic fabric like nylon. These raise your body temperature, reduce airflow, and make you sweat more.
When your body is trying to cool down, the head is often one of the first places you start sweating, so when other areas of your body are restricted by tight clothing, it can lead to excessive head sweating.

Apply antiperspirant to the scalp and the top of your head.

If you have hair, try a spray-on antiperspirant, and if you are bald, try a roll-on antiperspirant. Apply it before going to bed and wash it off in the morning to see if it helps reduce head sweating during the day.
When applying antiperspirant to your head and scalp, take care not to get it in your eyes as this can cause irritation.
Tip: If applying antiperspirant to your head and scalp irritates your skin, hydrocortisone cream can help.

To stop sweating as a result of stress, use stress-reduction techniques.

When you’re stressed or anxious, try slow, deep breathing techniques. Get enough sleep and exercise. Consume healthy, natural foods and incorporate natural stress-relieving remedies, such as herbal teas, into your diet.
You could also try getting a massage, doing yoga, reading more, and laughing more to relieve stress and relax your body and mind.

If you are overweight, you should lose weight.

Excessive sweating is caused by being overweight. Begin an exercise regimen and a healthy diet to lose weight and stop excessive sweating from your head.
This can also result in other health benefits that help to reduce excessive sweating, such as improved circulation and stress reduction.

Method 2: Seeking Medical Help

1 Consult your doctor to find out what’s causing your excessive head sweating.

There are numerous underlying medical conditions that can cause excessive sweating, so see your doctor if lifestyle changes do not stop sweating from your head. Your doctor will help you determine whether your excessive sweating is caused by a medical or non-medical condition.

Primary hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating that has no underlying medical cause. This simply means you have overactive sweat glands, which is a genetic and hereditary condition. Secondary hyperhidrosis refers to excessive sweating caused by a medical condition.

Knowing whether anyone else in your family has similar sweat problems, keeping a list of any medications and supplements you take on a regular basis, and knowing whether your head sweating stops while you sleep are all useful pieces of information to have on hand before visiting the doctor.
The doctor will most likely ask you when your symptoms began, where else on your body you sweat excessively, what causes the sweating to worsen, what causes the sweating to improve, and whether your head sweating is continuous or intermittent.

Warning: See a doctor right away if your heavy head sweating is accompanied by chills, nausea, lightheadedness, chest pain, or a high fever. If you suddenly start sweating more than usual or experience night sweats for no apparent reason, see a doctor right away.

2 Have your doctor run lab tests to rule out any medical issues.

Inquire with your doctor about blood, urine, or other lab tests to rule out a possible underlying medical condition that is causing your head sweating. Follow your doctor’s recommendations for tests to determine if you have a condition such as an overactive thyroid or low blood sugar.

These tests are usually performed after a more general physical examination and physical tests if the cause of the it has not been determined.
If an underlying medical condition is discovered, a treatment plan will prioritize treating that condition. If no underlying condition is discovered, your doctor will concentrate treatment on reducing your excessive sweating.

Use a prescription antiperspirant on your head and scalp instead.

Consult your doctor to see if a prescription antiperspirant is appropriate for your condition. Apply it to your scalp and hair before going to bed, taking care not to get it in your eyes, and wash it off in the morning.
Aluminum chloride is found in prescription antiperspirants. These products, like regular antiperspirants, can cause skin irritation, which can sometimes be treated with hydrocortisone cream.

Instead of antiperspirant, try a prescription cream on your head.

Inquire with your doctor about glycopyrrolate-containing prescription creams. If your doctor believes this is the best solution for you, follow his or her instructions for applying the cream to your head and scalp.
Keep in mind that these creams are intended to treat primary hyperhidrosis in adults and children over the age of nine.

For non-topical treatment, take anticholinergic oral medications.

These medications inhibit acetylcholine, a chemical that sends messages to the nerves that control your sweat glands. This can assist in reducing sweating throughout your body, including your head and face. Consult your doctor to see if this is a viable option for you.

The FDA has not approved anticholinergic medications for the treatment of excessive sweating, but your doctor may prescribe them for this purpose off-label. They are typically used to treat a wide range of conditions, including COPD, overactive bladder, gastrointestinal issues, and vertigo.
Be aware that these types of medications may cause blurred vision, bladder problems, and dry mouth. They can also cause cognitive problems, such as dementia, in older patients, so talk to your doctor about the risks if you’re over 65.

Stop sweating as a result of stress and anxiety by taking antidepressants. 

If you are sweating profusely as a result of stress and anxiety, consult your doctor about antidepressants. Take the pills as directed to reduce anxiety and stop sweating from the head caused by stress.

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Inquire with your doctor about any potential side effects of the antidepressants they recommend.

Botox injections can be used to temporarily block the nerves that cause sweating.

Botulinum toxin, or Botox, injections will block nerves in your head that cause excessive sweating for 6-12 months. Consult your doctor to see if this is an option for you, and get Botox injections every 6-12 months to help control head sweating.
Keep in mind that this procedure can be quite painful, and in some patients, it can result in temporary muscle weakness in the areas where the injections were given.

Also Read: How to Sleep comfortably After Overeating? – V Cure (

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