What signs of professional burn out can look like-

Burn out syndrome-

People experiencing burn-out typically feel exhaustion. Due to this they are thus less detached about their job. They Therefore often perform less well at work.

As per the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), burnout is however as an occupational phenomenon. It affects the well-being of individuals and occurs due to high workload in stressful working conditions.

Causes of Burn out syndrome-

  • Exhaustion
  • Stressful work environment
  • High Work overload
  • unrealistic expectations
  • lack of recognition
  • financial issues

Symptoms of Burnout

The three symptoms of burnout are-

  1. exhaustion.
  2. Increased negativity towards one’s career
  3. Reduced professional productivity

Treatment –

The general treatment of burnout is aimed at understanding what is causing burnout and thus developing coping skills.


  • General exercising can help you to better deal with stress. Evidences suggest that physical activity and exercise help you to manage stress and also anxiety in a better way.
  • Personal evaluation- Discuss specific concerns and work towards realistic goals and expectations. Consult with your supervisor at work.
  • Seek support- speak to your co-workers, friends or supervisor/mentors. It is always essential to speak about your problems and seek help whenever necessary. This also aids In guidance and support.
  • Relaxation- yoga/ meditation/ etc- such activities help in reducing anxiety and provide a calm effect to ones body and also encourage mindfulness.
  • Sleep 7-8 hours a day- getting sound sleep enhances relaxation and helps you feel productive at work. Lack of sleep usually may occur due to work stress and should be managed effectively. A sound sleep is essential for both physical and mental relaxation.

Also read- https://vcurehealthcare.com/feeling-out-of-breath-learn-pursed-lip-breathing/

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