
7 Astonishing Sleep Myths — Busted

What if I’m unable to fall asleep? How will I be able to function if I don’t get 8 hours of a nap? Is it really a good idea to take a nap?

Misconceptions about nap aren’t helping matters. So we’re here to dispel some common sleep myths, allowing you to distinguish between reality and fiction and easing your concerns about sleep deprivation.

Myth #1: I should stay in bed if I can’t sleep.


Reality: Getting out of bed is the greatest thing to do if you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleeping. As a result, your brain will no longer equate your bed with awake, and you will be more quickly weary. So, if you haven’t fallen asleep in 20 minutes, get out of bed and stay awake until you do. Consider reading or listening to soothing music.

Myth #2: I can rest in on the weekends.

Reality: When you haven’t gotten enough sleep during the week, sleeping in on the weekends seems like a good idea. However, it has the potential to exacerbate the situation. A consistent sleep routine is beneficial for your health, so try going to bed and waking up at the same times every day (even at weekends). It’s one of the most effective strategies to manage our circadian cycle and get the most out of our sleep.

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Myth #3: If I nap throughout the day, I won’t be able to get enough sleep at night.

Reality: Taking a nap at the appropriate time and for the right amount of time will not interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep. In fact, it might increase your chances of dozing off to nap. This is because being overtired might make falling asleep more difficult. Try a 30-minute snooze in the early afternoon to begin started.

Myth #4: I need to nap for eight hours every night.

Reality: Each of us needs a different quantity of sleep. Most of us function best when we get 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Some of us can get by on 3-4 hours of nap, while others need 10-12 hours. Check-in with your energy levels to see how much sleep you need – if you wake up weary or need caffeine to stay awake, you’re probably not getting enough sleep.

Myth #5: It’s just that I’m a lousy sleeper.


Reality: While some of us are born with better sleep systems, we all have the power to rest well if we learn to let our bodies do what they were designed to do. This entails establishing beneficial behaviors both throughout the day and at night. You’ll be rewarded with deep slumber if you practice mindfulness and constancy.

Myth #6: I should strive harder if I can’t sleep.

Reality: Sleep is paradoxical in that it occurs when you are not attempting to it. Rather than feeling frustrated, work on being less reactive and more relaxed. Meditation can help you fall asleep by turning down the volume on your racing thoughts and worries and inducing a feeling of relaxation.

Myth #7: Preparation begins in the evening.

While a relaxing evening routine is essential, the road to improved sleep begins during the day. To support your body’s sleep patterns, drink water instead of coffee when you get up and obtain 15 minutes of sunlight (ideally while exercising). Regularly practicing meditation during the day prepares our thoughts for non-reactivity, which aids rest.

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