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VCure Healthcare

Facts about memory you need to know!

What is memory? The brains ability to encode, store, and retrieve information is called as memory. It is thus crucial to perform our daily activities. The structures of brain associated are hippocampus, fornix, cingulate gyrus, mammillary bodies. Types of memories…

Know the triggers of asthma!

Introduction- Asthma is a disorder of the respiratory system. The airways contract too much and spontaneously in response to triggering stimuli. This airway hyperresponsiveness is accompanied by irritability of the airways, thus causing increased mucus secretion. The environmental factors interact…

Causes and Symptoms of Parkinsons disease

Introduction- Parkinsons is a common neurodegenerative disorder. The diagnosis of PD is clinical. It is important to recognize the early symptoms and signs suggestive of parkinsonism. Pathology- The pathological hallmark of parkinsons is cell loss within the substantia nigra. The earliest…