
Significance of Deworming in kids and adults

How do worms enter the body?

It is not abnormal to ingest worms. They can enter our body with unhygienic food, drinking water, untreated milk, taking a swim in the pool, walking barefoot, or for that matter from pets. These worms enter our bodies and lay eggs in our intestines. The most common types of worms that infect both adults and children are threadworm, roundworm, whipworm, tapeworm, and hookworm.

Why you must deworm your body?

Intestinal worms can lead to abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, bloating and allergic reactions in both adults and children. Worms in a child’s intestines can affect their performance and growth. These worms may not look harmful initially, but they have the ability to form cysts in the liver and lungs, cause pneumonia, and in some cases serious neurological damage.

Symptoms of intestinal worms

Common symptoms of intestinal worms are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting, persistent gas/bloating, redness or rash on the buttocks, fatigue, urinating frequently, weight loss, tiredness, weakness or hunger due to worms, dehydration or blood in the stool. If you experience few of the above symptoms, clinical tests can be done to confirm presence of worms.

Medication for Deworming

The basic treatment administered by a gastroenterologist is a single dose of anti-parasitic medicine, which can be given to adults or kids to eliminate any intestinal worms. In most cases adults need to do deworming just once a year, and in kids to eliminate any intestinal worms. In most cases adults need to do deworming just once a year, and in kids twice a year. For pregnant women deworming medication is given after completion of first trimester.

Natural Remedies


Raw garlic contains sulphur-containing amino acids that work as natural dewormers, killing parasites and removing them from your body permanently.


They are rich in cucurbitacin, which can paralyze worms and make it impossible for them to survive inside the body.


The enzyme Papain present in it is responsible for its therapeutic effects. This enzyme works as an anthelmintic which kills intestinal worms whereas papaya seeds help to expel worms out of the body.


They are rich in Vitamin A, known for immune-boosting properties which help your body to fight against intestinal worms.


It is famous for its medicinal and antiseptic properties for long. It helps to eliminate parassitic worms from your body and also in healing internally.


It can help with any bloating, or inflammation caused by internal parasites. Along with being able to get rid of both roundworms and whipworms.


They are rich in lauric acid, which forms into monolaurin, a compound known for enhancing immunity. A strong immune system helps your body ward off or eradicate parasitic worms from your body.


Lotus stem is an effective remedy in naturally deworming intestine. Extract 2 Tbsp juice from fresh lotus roots and have it along with a drizzle of honey on an empty stomach, early in the morning.

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