
Some Serious Side Effects Of Taking Antacids Daily

Antacid is not a candy


Antacids are OTC (Over The Counter) drug and hence easily available. They are generally prescribed to treat Acid Reflux or Acidity, Heart Burn, Indigestion or Gas and Bloating. These being common issues, people develop a habit to pop antacids on daily basis. But there are some harmful effects in longer run.


Antacids are generally high in calcium or aluminium. When you consume too much of them on regular basis, it may result in overdose of these 2 minerals. This is associated with chronic constipation which may continue till the time you stop using antacids.

Muscle Issues

Muscle twitching, generalized weakness, and even muscle tenderness and pain are the most common side effects. Regular use of antacids creates an imbalance in the levels of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorous in the bloodstream, which results in these musculature symptoms.

Respiratory Issues

Slower breathing could also be a sign you’re going overboard on antacids. This effect happens if you consume too many of them which can elevate the pH in your bloodstream, pushing you in a state of Alkalosis. Due to this the body starts to compensate by reducing breath rate.

Risk of infections

While gastric acid helps to digest food, it also protects the body by destroying bacteria that are contained within food and beverages. Antacids works by neutralizing gastric acids, which in turn allows bacteria to survive in GI tract. This makes you more prone to catching infections.


Antacids that contain mainly aluminium may weaken the bones, as they can flush out vital salts like calcium and phosphate from the body. This can be particularly worrisome for those who are at early risk, with osteopenia, or who have osteoporosis in their family history.

Kidney Stones

Antacids containing calcium may also increase the excretion of calcium in the urine, which in turn can lead to the formation of kidney stones. Kidney stones may lead to blood in urine as well as pain in the lower back or flank.


Drug-induced diarrhoea is loose, watery stools that occurs when you take certain medicines. Antacids that have only magnesium or aluminium in them may cause diarrhoea or make it worse.

Also Read : How To Deal With Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) – V Cure (

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