
Things to Know About Aerobic Capacity And How to Improve It

Strength training, flexibility (more correctly called “mobility”), and cardiorespiratory training are the three components of the workout.

Resistance-training exercises enhance muscular strength, which can increase resting metabolism (the number of calories expended when at rest), as well as functional performance in a range of activities.

Flexibility and mobility exercises can help to reduce muscle tension. It also helps to increase joint range of motion, both of which are important for improving overall movement efficiency.

Cardiorespiratory training enhances the capacity to transport oxygen and nutrients to working muscles. It also removing metabolic waste, allowing muscles to continue doing a specific task.

Everyone who begins a fitness program has a different objective in mind. But each goal necessitates a different amount of attention on each of these components.

Focus on client’s goals

A well-designed fitness programme includes all three elements.. If, on the other hand, a client wishes to enhance definition and/or physical function, you would focus his or her program on strength training.

Similarly, if a client’s aims are to enhance mobility and movement efficiency, you would emphasize flexibility. If your client is training for a race or wants to reduce weight, you should prioritize cardiorespiratory exercise.

Cardiorespiratory exercise can improve the body’s capacity to convert fats and carbs into fuel, both with and without the presence of oxygen.

While cardiovascular exercise has been related to fat loss, it is also the most effective way to improve aerobic capacity, or the ability to use oxygen to fuel athletic activity.

Muscles rely on energy from a mix of oxygen and the substrates of carbohydrates (in the form of glycogen) and lipids during low- to moderate-intensity exercise (called free fatty acids). The more oxygen that can be absorbed, the more physical labor a person can accomplish.

Furthermore, because the body expends around 5 calories of energy to consume 1 liter of oxygen, improving aerobic capacity might assist the body in becoming more efficient at using oxygen.

This, in turn, aids in the burning of calories, which is a key component of weight loss.

Whatever your customers’ fitness objectives are, increasing aerobic capacity can help them get closer to achieving them.

Enhancing aerobic capacity can increase blood, oxygen, and nutrient supply to working muscles and aid in recovery between sets of resistance-training activities for strength-related goals.

Increasing blood supply to muscles can also assist with flexibility. Improving aerobic capacity is critical for accomplishing weight-loss or endurance-training goals.


Here are eight factors to consider when designing programs for your customers to optimize the advantages of increased aerobic capacity:

Oxygen intake

Oxygen intake during exercise can be assessed in one of two ways:

  • at maximum effort (during a medically supervised stress test) to determine the maximal aerobic capacity or VO2max,
  • or in absolute terms, the quantity of oxygen consumed per minute of exercise.

Each assessment is tailored to your current level of fitness, but it’s crucial to remember that aerobic capacity is a relative metric.

This indicates that a larger person with a higher muscular mass will consume more oxygen when exercising at the same intensity as a smaller one.

Increasing aerobic capacity

Increasing aerobic capacity can assist enhance the flow of oxygenated blood to muscle tissue, which can lead to increased mitochondrial density.

Mitochondria are muscle cell organelles that utilize oxygen to help generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the real fuel that powers muscle contractions.

Improving mitochondrial density increases a muscle’s capacity to utilize oxygen, as well as its general health and performance.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT)

high intensity training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) not only burns calories but can also assist increase aerobic capacity. The body will use anaerobic ATP at greater intensities but will rely on aerobic metabolism during lower-intensity recovery intervals to help replenish the energy used during high-intensity labor periods.

The disadvantage of HIIT is that, while it is beneficial, too much of it can lead to overtraining. Limit your customers to no more than three HIIT sessions each week for the greatest outcomes.

Low-intensity steady-state (LISS) training

low intensity training

LISS training, is the capacity to sustain a consistent work rate over a lengthy period of time. It is also known as long slow distance (LSD) training

LISS derives its energy from aerobic energy pathways and may feed muscular activity over lengthy periods of time, such as endurance races.

LISS is a lower-stress approach to build aerobic capacity than HIIT, but it is not as efficient at burning calories (for a specific comparison between HIIT and LISS, click here).

The benefit of LIIS is that it may be done virtually every day, especially for people who can walk or ride their bikes to work.


Cross-training was popularised by two-sport star Bo Jackson in the late 1980s. It refers to performing different activities or forms of exercise on separate days.

This is to accomplish a certain fitness objective.

Periodizing an exercise by doing a LISS run one day, a HIIT cycling class the next, and a circuit-training session the third day is a good example of how to enhance total aerobic capacity.

Cross-training during the same workout

Another option is to conduct cross-training during the same workout.

For example, have the client do :

  • 10 minutes of steady-state walking on an incline on a treadmill,
  • Also 10 minutes of HIIT intervals (30 seconds at high intensity/30 seconds at low intensity) on a stationary bike,
  • 10 minutes of rowing ergometer steady-state training,
  • and 10 minutes of circuit resistance training.

Breaking up a workout into brief bursts of activity on different pieces of equipment can assist push the muscles to perform in new ways on each piece of equipment. This, in turn, can enhance aerobic capacity. Also, it helps to decrease the risk of overuse problems caused by performing too much of the same activity.

Dance lessons

dance lessons

Dance lessons, often known as hi-lo aerobics, are an excellent method to increase aerobic capacity while having fun. This is why programs like Zumba are so popular. They assist build cardiovascular capacity in a way that seems more like a joyful party than a hard workout.

Strength training

strength training

Muscle is a metabolically active tissue, which means it can use oxygen as fuel both during activity and during rest. A pound of muscle burns around 5 calories in a 24-hour period. Hence, increasing 5 pounds of muscle can assist boost resting metabolism by approximately 25 calories per day. This is the equivalent of walking a quarter mile (400 meters) without exertion.

Strength training can help support cardio objectives by increasing muscular mass. It also allows the body to become a more efficient oxygen-consuming machine.


Understanding how to apply the four phases of the Cardiorespiratory component of the ACE Integrated Fitness Training® (ACE IFT®) Model can assist you in ;

  • determining the most effective way to design an exercise program for a client in order to achieve cardiorespiratory-based goals
  • and improve overall aerobic capacity.

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